"Long before it's in the papers"
June 06, 2013


PAST NEWS - 2012


Newfound mechanism behind aging called a “surprising” advance
Bi­ol­o­gists say ag­ing may have a lot to do with a de­clin­ing ca­pa­city for stor­age in cer­tain cell­u­lar com­part­ments. (Dec. 28, 2012)

Enjoy the beach: global jellyfish boom not evident, scientists say
There are 20-year cycles in jelly­fish popu­la­tions, but no so­lid evi­dence for a sus­tained in­crease, a study re­ports. (Dec. 31, 2012)

25,000 harmless bugs may inhabit your average Christmas tree
Before dis­card­ing the ever­green in your liv­ing room, you might like to exam­ine its sur­pris­ing cont­ents, an in­sect ex­pert says. (Dec. 26, 2012)


Fluctuating environment may have spurred human intelligence
A string of rap­id changes in East Af­ri­ca around two mil­lion years ago may have forced our an­ces­tors to get smarter, sci­en­tists pro­pose. (Dec. 24, 2012)

Rock/pop stars going solo found more likely to die young
Burning the candle at both ends may be a bit less harm­ful if you’re among friends, if a new study is any in­di­cation. (Dec. 20, 2012)


Egyptian king had throat slashed, study finds
An old pa­py­rus doc­u­ment de­scribes a plot that shook an­cient Egypt, but ex­actly how it turned out has been un­cer­tain. (Dec. 18, 2012)

Possibly “habitable” world called smallest yet found
New find­ings also sug­gest our own plan­et­ary sys­tem is “a bit of a freak” in its lay­out, one astro­nomer says. (Dec. 19, 2012)

Music and movement might share common structure
Experi­ments fit with the no­tion that mu­sic “re­cy­cles” brain ar­eas that evolved for move­ment and speech, four sci­entists propose. (Dec. 17, 2012)


“Epigenetics” proposed to underlie homosexuality
Tem­po­rary “switch­es” in­flu­en­c­ing gene ac­ti­vity in our cells could solve an evo­lu­tion­ary riddle, sci­en­tists say. (Dec. 12, 2012)

Elephant fiasco seen as sign moving truck no “panacea” for wildlife troubles
After Sri Lankan author­ities re­located some “prob­lem” ele­phants, their clashes with hu­mans just got worse, a study found. (Dec. 13, 2012)

“Right” words found to inspire environmental care in conservatives
To win over some­times re­luc­tant aud­iences, en­vi­ron­ment­alists may need to check their more cher­ished com­fort zones at the door. (Dec. 11, 2012)


75% of African lion habitat gone, study says
Eco­tour­ism is mo­ti­vat­ing some Afri­can governments to pro­tect lions—but not in places where that in­dust­ry is un­im­por­tant, a re­port notes. (Dec. 4, 2012)

Newfound protein linked to big, strong muscles
Sci­en­tists found a mole­cule in hu­mans and mice that they say beefs up mus­cles after re­sist­ance ex­er­cise. (Dec. 7, 2012)

Did huge caverns swallow up the Martian water?
The ul­ti­mate fate of what seem to be old flu­id dis­charges on the Red Planet has been a long­stand­ing puzzle. (Dec. 5, 2012)


Grand Canyon dates to dinosaur era, study says
The great chasm in Ar­i­zo­na may be much older than was thought. (Nov. 29, 2012)

Cleaner air seen continuing to boost life expectancy
Though U.S. clean-air regula­tions have been tight­en­ing for a good four dec­ades, at no small cost, they’re still pay­ing divi­dends, sci­ent­ists say. (Dec. 3, 2012)

Too-big black hole flummoxes scientists
A find­ing up­sets mod­els of ga­laxy form­a­tion, which as­sume some pre­dict­a­bility in the sizes of black holes at the cen­ters of ga­lax­ies. (Nov. 28, 2012)


Study: dogs link words to object sizes, not shapes
Dogs re­late words to ob­jects very dif­fer­ently than hu­mans do, new re­search sug­gests. (Nov. 28, 2012)

Can you literally throw out unwanted thoughts?
When study sub­jects wrote thoughts on some pa­per and threw that away, they men­tally got rid of the thoughts too, sci­ent­ists claim. (Nov. 26, 2012)


That bird wants a word with you
A study suggests some par­rots’ tal­ent for imi­tat­ing sounds func­tions, in the wild, to let them ad­dress spec­i­fic in­di­vid­uals. (Nov. 25, 2012)

Scientists try to measure animal boredom
Giv­ing caged animals a stim­u­lat­ing en­vi­ron­ment is key to their well-be­ing—but what is ad­e­qua­te stimula­t­ion? (Nov. 19, 2012)


New type of bursting star may be a dud
Some stars ex­plode only half­heart­edly, a study sug­gests. (Nov. 21, 2012)

Happy kids found more likely to get rich
Hap­py ado­les­cents are more likely to be­come rich or well-off ad­ults, even after ac­count­ing for many other fact­ors, new re­search in­di­cates. (Nov. 20, 2012)


Einstein’s brain gets a new look-over
Parts of Ein­stein’s brain are visibly un­u­sual, which may help ac­count for his ge­nius, ac­cord­ing to a new stu­dy. (Nov. 17, 2012)

Sadness can hit your pocketbook, study finds
Your emo­tions can cer­tainly in­flu­ence your de­ci­sions, but you might be sur­prised by how much they af­fect your fi­nances, scient­ists say. (Nov. 15, 2012)

Gene that may have helped make people smart ID'd
A gene known as miR-941 may have helped hu­mans learn to use tools and lan­guage, sci­ent­ists claim. (Nov. 14, 2012)

Are people getting dumber?
Pres­sure to be in­tel­li­gent is weaker for peo­ple to­day than it was for our hunting-and-gathering an­ces­tors, a biol­og­ist argues. (Nov. 13, 2012)

“Boom times” in star birth gone, never to return, study suggests
New results suggest 95% of stars that will ever be formed, al­ready have been, astron­om­ers say. (Nov. 8, 2012)

Comet collisions every 6 seconds by distant star?
Com­ets hit each other con­stant­ly near an un­usu­al star in the con­stella­t­ion Ce­tus, as­tro­no­mers say. (Nov. 9, 2012)

Bird wasn’t supposed to make tools, but he did
Parrots are not con­si­dered to be tool-mak­ers or us­ers, but evid­ent­ly Fi­garo didn’t get that memo. (Nov. 6, 2012)

Astronomers tally leftover light from dead, living stars
A newly devel­oped esti­mate of how much star­light has ever shown could help us under­stand cosmic his­tory, astron­omers say. (Nov. 2, 2012)

Could dinosaurs have shaped the way mammals see the world?
Mammals adap­ted their eyes to night vi­sion dur­ing the Age of Rep­tiles—and most never to­tal­ly ad­just­ed back, a stu­dy claims. (Nov. 1, 2012)

Zombie fad seen as entry point to serious bioethics discussions
While zom­bies aren’t real, some scient­ific and ethi­cal questions they pro­voke are very much so, pan­el­ists at an up­coming sym­po­sium claim. (Oct. 31, 2012)

Quitting smoking may extend life 10 years
Throwing out the ciga­rettes for good before mid­dle age can add about a dec­ade to a wo­man’s life­span, a U.K. stu­dy in­di­cates. (Oct. 28, 2012)

Stray stars may haunt vastness between galaxies
A faint glow of infra­red light de­tected across the sky may ema­nate from stars that ga­lac­tic his­tory left behind. (Oct. 24, 2012)

Resveratrol found to fall short in health benefits
A chem­i­cal thought to re­duce risk of heart dis­ease and boost life­span may not do much for healthy wom­en, a study suggests. (Oct. 25, 2012)

Summer babies found less likely to be CEOs
Ba­bies born in March and April have a great­er shot at ris­ing up the corp­or­ate lad­der, if new re­search is any in­di­cation. (Oct. 23, 2012)

Deadly heat baked pre-dinosaur world: study
Vi­cious heat may have made huge swaths of Earth vir­tu­ally un­liv­a­ble for five mil­lion years fol­low­ing its worst mass ex­tinc­tion. (Oct. 19, 2012)

Too late to stop global warming by cutting emissions?
Gov­ern­ments shift their fo­cus to adapt­ing to cli­mate change, a study claims. (Oct. 18, 2012)

An Earth-sized planet in our stellar backyard?
As­tro­no­mers have iden­ti­fied a plan­et about the same weight as Earth or­bit­ing a star in the Al­pha Cen­tau­ri sys­tem. (Oct. 17, 2012)

Does true love wait? Age of first sex found to predict adult outcomes
Peo­ple who have sex be­fore age 20 ex­per­ience rom­antic and fin­an­cial life differ­ently lat­er on, re­search sug­gests. (Oct. 17, 2012)

Super “compact” solar system found
A surprisingly crowded plan­e­tary sys­tem is pro­vid­ing clues to why most so­lar sys­tems seem dif­fer­ent from ours, as­tro­no­mers re­port. (Oct. 15, 2012)

Nasty noises: Why do we recoil at unpleasant sounds?
Nails scratch­ing a black­board and other dis­turb­ing noises trig­ger a seem­ing­ly pri­mi­tive brain re­s­ponse, a sci­ent­ist says. (Oct. 14, 2012)

Amateur rediscovers lost asteroid
A de­ter­mined hobby­ist made the finding in a col­lab­or­ation with the Euro­pean Space Agency. (Oct. 12, 2012)

Windows could capture solar energy
A flat panel added to win­dows could gen­er­ate elec­tri­city while still let­ting peo­ple to see out­side, re­search­ers claim. (Oct. 11, 2012)

Giant black holes from chaotic early era coming to light
Cutting-edge sky sur­veys have re­vealed a pre­vi­ously un­seen group of gi­ant, fast-grow­ing black holes, as­tro­no­mers say. (Oct. 9, 2012)

Fossil said to be earliest to show complex brain
A worm-like ancestor of in­sects, spi­ders, crabs and lob­sters sheds light on how brains evolved, sci­ent­ists re­port. (Oct. 11, 2012)

Not getting sleepy? Brain scans may reveal why some can’t be hypnotized
Connections be­tween brain cell net­works acc­ount for why some are un­hyp­no­tiz­able, re­search finds. (Oct. 5, 2012)

Honor and revenge: how tribal warfare sheds light on modern conflict
Un­der­stand­ing trib­al wars in the Am­a­zon sheds light on the in­stincts that drive mod­ern wars and the role of cul­ture, re­search sug­gests. (Oct. 3, 2012)

Scientists measure cosmic “exit door”
Measure­ments at the edges of a black hole could shed light on how ga­lax­ies evolve and on the cor­rect­ness of Ein­stein’s the­o­ries. (Oct. 4, 2012)

Genes thought to affect IQ might not
Most genes long be­lieved to be tied to in­tel­li­gence, just aren’t, new re­search con­cludes. (Oct. 2, 2012)

Signs of “ancient stream” on Mars
Sci­entists say a stream once ran brisk­ly across the ar­ea of Mars where the Cu­rio­sity rov­er is driv­ing. (Sept. 27, 2012)

Next moon rover could be a boat—on Titan
They’ve land­ed rov­ers on Mars. Now, say sci­en­tists, it’s time to land a boat on Ti­tan, the ha­zy larg­est moon of Sat­urn. (Oct. 1 , 2012)

Slave ant “rebellions” found to be common
Ants held as slaves in nests of oth­er ant spe­cies of­ten dam­age their op­pres­sors through sab­o­tage, ac­cord­ing to new re­search. (Sept. 27, 2012)

Street coyotes more faithful than people, study suggests
Sci­entists who sampled 236 coy­otes in the Chi­cago area said they found not one case of aban­don­ing or cheat­ing on mates. (Sept. 25, 2012)

Scientists hijack brain cells to remote-control worms
Us­ing la­sers, sci­en­tists say they have man­aged to take over an an­i­mal’s brain and make the crea­ture turn any way they want. (Sept. 24, 2012)


Pesticide link to bee dieoffs questioned
Crop pes­ti­cides are un­likely to cause re­cent alarm­ing de­clines in hon­ey­bee popula­t­ions, some scient­ists say. (Sept. 22, 2012)

Study suggests we can flip our opinions in moments without knowing
Using a mere trick adap­ted from stage mag­ic, scient­ists say they ex­posed a sur­prising flex­i­bility in hu­man mor­al atti­tudes. (Sept. 20, 2012)


Ancient text said to suggest Christ was married
Scholars are await­ing fur­ther test re­sults on a tan­tal­iz­ing pap­yrus frag­ment. (Sept. 18, 2012)

Record-distance galaxy may confirm theories
Leading cos­mo­lo­gi­cal theories hold that early, small ga­lax­ies merged into the big ones of to­day. (Sept. 20, 2012)

Common chemical linked to nearly tripled odds of youth obesity
Wide­ly used in food pack­ag­ing, bis­phe­nol A or BPA has come un­der in­creas­ing scru­tiny. (Sept. 18, 2012)


New monkey species identified
It is only the sec­ond new spe­cies of Af­ri­can mon­key dis­cov­ered in the last 28 years, bi­ol­o­gists said. (Sept. 13, 2012)

Findings called clear evidence of “dry ice” snowfall on Mars
Fro­zen car­bon dio­xide drops to the ground as a sort of snow­fall at the Red Plan­et’s south­ern pole, scien­tists re­port. (Sept. 14, 2012)

Scrub jays found to react to their dead
A small North Ameri­can bird calls oth­ers to screech over the body of a dead bird, though no one knows quite why. (Sept. 13, 2012)


Pill may cut HIV risk as much as 99%
Research al­so sug­gests that even im­pe­r­fect ad­her­ence to a daily reg­i­men can pro­vide a big risk re­duc­tion. (Sept. 12, 2012)

Doctors’ caring—not just care—found to matter in patient outcomes
Empathy is not just a soft and squi­shy con­cept: it leads to meas­ur­ably bet­ter results, re­search sug­gests. (Sept. 10, 2012)


Silver and gold come from bursting stars—different types, study finds
Mea­sure­ments of var­i­ous heavy stars were used to re­con­struct how el­e­ments were formed with­in them. (Sept. 7, 2012)

“Supergel” could replace damaged joint cartilage
A gel that can stretch up to 21 times is original length with­out break­ing has po­ten­tial where other mat­er­ials have failed, sci­ent­ists say. (Sept. 9, 2012)

“Dark matter” may give off an already-seen signal, physicists say
A mys­te­ri­ous subs­tance fill­ing the uni­verse may shed its usual in­vis­i­bil­ity in certain cases, some phy­si­cists claim. (Sept. 5, 2012)


Most “junk” DNA not junk, studies find
The vast ma­jor­ity of our DNA is ac­tive in at least one type of cell, ac­cord­ing to bi­ol­o­gists who made pub­lic a series of new stud­ies. (Sept. 5, 2012)

Tasmanian devil may be saved by a bit less devilishness
E­volv­ing to be­come less ag­gres­sive could be key to sav­ing the fa­mously fe­ro­cious Tas­ma­ni­an dev­il from ex­tinc­tion, re­search sug­gests. (Sept. 3, 2012)


“Cyborg” tissues may become reality
Har­vard sci­en­tists say they have cre­at­ed a “cy­borg” hu­man tis­sue that in­corp­or­ates a net­work of func­tion­al wires. (Aug. 31, 2012)

Does wisdom really come with age? It may depend on the culture
A study in­vesti­gat­ed wis­dom as mani­fested through con­flict re­so­lu­tion skills. (Aug. 31, 2012) (Aug. 31, 2012)

Eating far less doesn’t extend monkey lives, study finds
A 23-year pro­ject was de­signed to show whe­ther ef­fects found in ro­dents would ex­tend to a spe­cies more close­ly related to hu­mans. (Aug. 30, 2012) (Aug. 30, 2012)


Arctic sea ice measured at record low
The blan­ket of ice float­ing on the Arc­tic Ocean has melted to its low­est ex­tent since satel­lites be­gan meas­ur­ing it, scientists say. (Aug. 27, 2012)

Chimps found to develop “social traditions”
Sci­en­tists in­ves­t­i­gated varying styles of mu­tu­al groom­ing among groups of chimps. (Aug. 29, 2012)

Spacetime: A smoother brew than we knew?
The fabric of the cosmos may be less like beer than like smooth whis­key, if some new find­ings are any indi­ca­tion. (Aug. 23, 2012)


Scientists see evidence of planet destroyed by parent star
A Jupiter-like planet was en­gulfed after its ag­ing host star be­gan ex­pand­ing in­to a “red gi­ant,” astron­om­ers say. (Aug. 21, 2012)

Dad’s advancing age gives newborns two extra mutations per year, study finds
Researchers say the find­ings could have im­pli­ca­tions for po­pu­la­tion-wide health. (Aug. 22, 2012)

Birth of the universe: “Big Chill” instead of Big Bang?
Some phys­i­cists say in­ves­ti­gat­ing the cracks and crevices found in crys­tals could rev­o­lu­tion­ize our un­der­stand­ing of the cos­mos. (Aug. 20, 2012)


Chunk of protein explains our big brains, study proposes
big brains, study proposes
Re­search­ers have found what they think is the key to un­der­stand­ing why the hu­man brain is larg­er and more com­plex than that of oth­er an­i­mals. (Aug. 18, 2012)

Lost letter experiment suggests rich London neighborhoods more altruistic
An­thro­po­l­o­gists meas­ured help­ful­ness in 20 neigh­bor­hoods by drop­ping let­ters on the ground. (Aug. 16, 2012)

Findings could sharpen view of first stars
As­tro­no­mers could peer a good deal fur­ther in­to space—and back in­to the his­to­ry of time—by us­ing a new ap­proach, re­search sug­gests. (Aug. 14, 2012)


Study said to crack mystery of “monster” stars
Four stars whose size has de­fied ex­plana­t­ion turn out to have been formed thanks to stel­lar merg­ers, sci­en­tists re­port. (Aug. 11, 2012)

Drive to rein in bullies led to evolution of morality, study suggests
Peo­ple may help each oth­er be­cause our dis­tant an­ces­tors learn­ed to band to­geth­er to con­trol bul­lies, a new study pro­poses. (Aug. 13, 2012)

No shortage of dark matter in Sun’s neighborhood, study claims
A new study contradicts other recent work sug­gest­ing there is almost no “dark mat­ter” near the Sun. (Aug. 9, 2012)


Rover sends new images from Red Planet
Cu­ri­os­ity’s land­ing site is start­ing to come in­to fo­cus, NASA sci­ent­ists say. (Aug. 6, 2012)

Human lineage had diverse offshoots, study finds
At least two dif­fer­ent spe­cies of hu­mans lived along­side our own an­ces­tors in Af­ri­ca al­most two mil­lion years ago, sci­ent­ists re­port. (Aug. 8, 2012)

Successful landing for newest Mars rover
Cheers burst out at NASA’s Jet Pro­pul­sion Lab­o­r­a­to­ry in Pas­a­de­na, Ca­lif. Sun­day eve­ning. (Aug. 4, 2012)


Earth vaporized in simulations
An unusual com­puter mod­el could help scient­ists better un­der­stand newly dis­cov­ered plan­ets. (Aug. 3, 2012)

Global warming probably causing heat waves, study says
Re­cent heat waves and ex­treme sum­mers were likely caused by man-in­duced glob­al warm­ing, a study re­ports. (Aug. 5, 2012)

Spate of recent big quakes looks like a fluke, scientists say
The past dec­ade has been plagued with what seems to be a clus­ter of large earth­quakes. (Aug. 2, 2012)

Slimy bacterial colonies may have met their match
Slimy, wily bac­te­ri­al col­o­nies that have been out­smart­ing hu­man at­tempts to clean them off may no long­er have a ground to stand on. (Aug. 1, 2012)

Smiling lowers heart rate, relieves stress, research finds
Feel­ing good usu­ally makes us smile—but does it really work the oth­er way around as well? (July 31, 2012)

No LOL matter: Tween texting may lead to poor grammar skills
Text mes­sag­ing could lead to de­clin­ing lan­guage skills, ac­cord­ing to re­search­ers. (July 27, 2012)

Seats of self-awareness in brain revealed anew—through sleep, researchers say
Sci­en­tists have tak­en a new tack to find­ing out which parts of our brain han­dle self-aware­ness. (July 30, 2012)

Birds, children show similar abilities for “Aesop’s fable” riddle
Children before age eight per­form comp­ar­ably to some birds on a sim­ple and fa­mous puz­zle, psych­ol­ogists say. (July 26, 2012)

“Virtual cell” seen as unlocking new potential for discovery
The first com­plete com­put­er mod­el of an or­gan­ism might lead to a new sort of Hu­man Ge­nome Pro­ject, some scient­ists predict. (July 24, 2012)

Physics hints at truth in epics of old
Sci­en­tists have found that some of the most fa­mous his­tor­i­cal myths—in­clud­ing the Il­i­ad—ex­hibit mea­sur­ably real­is­tic qual­i­ties. (July 25, 2012)

“Weirdly Earth-like” rivers adorn Saturn moon
Riv­ers of liq­uid meth­ane creep­ing across Ti­tan look eerily fam­i­liar, but car­ry some mys­ter­ies, sci­en­tists say. (July 23, 2012)

“Grand” spiral galaxy formed too early, reshuffles thinking
Just how spi­ral galax­ies form is not a well-set­tled question. (July 19, 2012)

Why people participate in atrocities: mere obedience, or something more?
A prevail­ing view among psychologists may let peo­ple off the hook a little too eas­ily, new re­search sug­gests. (July 29, 2012)

Long-running Pioneer spacecraft mystery may be explained
The standard laws of phys­ics have won the day as astron­omers seek to ac­count for a puzz­ling slow­down. (July 18, 2012)

“Old boys’ network” seen in monkeys
Call it sex­ist—but for white-faced cap­u­chin mon­keys, it’s a way of life, sci­ent­ists say. (July 16, 2012)

The middle items win the votes of our wallets, study finds
Con­sumers are un­know­ing­ly more likely to choose prod­ucts that sit in the hor­i­zon­tal cen­ter of a dis­play, a new study in­di­cates. (July 17, 2012)

Size of brain area linked to willing­ness to give
The size of a small brain re­gion in­flu­ences one’s pre­dis­po­si­tion for al­tru­is­tic be­hav­ior, a study has found. (July 14, 2012)

Fifth Pluto moon found
A new dis­cov­ery could shed light on Plu­to’s his­tory and help a space­craft navi­gate through its area. (July 12, 2012)

“Ghost galaxies” seen as cosmic relics
Small gal­axies with al­most no stars may be clues to big cos­mic ques­tions, astron­omers pro­pose. (July 10, 2012)

Lifespan boost might be harder for couch potatoes—at least for now
There may be an over­looked re­quire­ment in the much-bally­hooed stra­tegy of liv­ing longer by eat­ing less, bio­log­ists report. (July 9, 2012)

Much-sought “Goldilocks” black hole identified through its belching
Out­bursts of scald­ing gas have clinched the ident­ity of the first known “mid­dleweight” black hole, as­tro­no­mers say. (July 5, 2012)

Huge stellar dust cloud vanishes, leaving only questions
As­tro­no­mers are scratch­ing their heads over a baf­fling dis­cov­ery. (July 6, 2012)

Long-sought Higgs particle probably found, scientists say
The long jour­ney to de­tect a key build­ing block of na­ture might fi­nally have reached its goal, phys­i­cists re­port. (July 4, 2012)

How tomatoes lost their flavor
Breed­ers have un­know­ingly bred the fla­vor out of toma­toes by fa­vor­ing those with a nice un­iform col­or, sci­en­tists are re­port­ing. (June 29, 2012)

Feathers may have been common on dinosaurs
A new­found fos­sil sug­gests feath­ers might have graced all pred­a­to­ry di­no­saurs, sci­en­tists say. (July 2, 2012)

Water ran deep on ancient Mars, scientists say
Rocks tossed out of im­pact cra­ters help re­veal what once went on deep un­der­ground. (June 28 , 2012)

Human ancestor ate bark, study finds
Next time you’re grum­bling about a stale cook­ie or a steak that tastes “like card­board,” count your­self lucky. (June 27, 2012)

Much maligned, vultures now missed as Asia populations collapse
Cam­bo­dia is a last bas­ti­on of vul­tures in Asia after many of them have died from in­gesting a drug meant for cat­tle, re­search­ers say. (June 26, 2012)

Life forms survive space exposure
New re­search on the In­terna­t­ional Space Sta­t­ion is help­ing to boost the­o­ries that life came from out­er space. (June 25, 2012)

Religion: It’s the hell part that makes us behave, study finds
The more punitive as­pects of re­li­gion are asso­ciated with low­er crime rates, re­search indi­cates. (June 22, 2012)

In planetary odd couple, two worlds within plain sight distance of each other
New find­ings are surprising astron­omers with just how di­verse solar sys­tems can be. (June 22, 2012)

Some “poor memory” might just reflect disinterest
Your prob­lem with rememb­er­ing names might have an un­exp­ected source, a psych­o­lo­gist claims. (June 20, 2012)

Ancient effect harnessed to get electricity from waste heat
A phe­nom­e­non not­ed by an an­cient Greek phi­los­o­pher has be­come the ba­sis for a new in­vent­ion. (June 20, 2012)

Could Neanderthals have painted?
New date es­ti­mates on some an­cient cave art­works raise in­trigu­ing pos­si­bil­ities, sci­ent­ists say. (June 14, 2012)

Causes of mammoth extinction resonate in modern realities, scientists say
The pressures that fin­ished off the wool­ly mam­moth are sim­ilar to those that are kill­ing many ani­mals today, a study sug­gests. (June 13, 2012)

Watching tiny, living machines assemble themselves
Sci­en­tists have de­vised a new way to see how pro­teins, ti­ny ma­chines nat­u­rally built in­side our bod­ies, come to­gether. (June 11, 2012)

Concept of “cool” has warmed, veered from its origins, study finds
The pop­u­lar con­cept of “cool” in some ways stands for the near-opposite of what it used to mean, new re­search con­cludes. (June 8, 2012)

Can whole economies be psychoanalyzed?
West­ern economies dis­played “man­ic” be­hav­ior lead­ing up to the 2008 fin­an­cial cri­sis, a re­search­er says. (June 6, 2012)

First cosmic objects burned brightly, astronomers say
A faint, lumpy glow from the first ob­jects may have been de­tected with the best pre­ci­sion yet. (June 7, 2012)

“Ring of fire” to offer clues about Venus, our hellish twin planet
When Ve­nus passes in front of the Sun on June 5 and 6, an ar­ma­da of tele­scopes will be on the look­out for some­thing elu­sive. (June 5, 2012)

Scientists: birds are just baby dinosaurs, in a way
There might be a good rea­son birds are so much cut­er and less threat­en­ing than their scary an­ces­tors. (May 31, 2012)

Rats reported cured of spine injury paralysis
Us­ing a chem­i­cal cock­tail and a robotic aid, sci­en­tists say they’ve helped par­a­lyzed rats train them­selves to be­come “ath­letes.” (June 1, 2012)

Immune system cells found to hunt like real predators
T cells move around like sharks in many ways as they track down pa­tho­gens, a study has found. (May 30, 2012)

Hereditary inequality may date to Stone Age
Re­search­ers have found that farm­ers bur­ied with tools had ac­cess to bet­ter land than oth­ers in Cen­tral Eur­ope. (May 29, 2012)

“Sexual revolution” may have paved way for invention of marriage
A new alliance be­tween wom­en and low-ranking males was key to forg­ing the mod­ern family, cal­cula­t­ions by a bi­ol­o­gist sug­gest. (May 29, 2012)

Your environmental exposures might haunt your great-grandchildren
Sci­en­tists have found in­creased stress sen­si­ti­vity and dif­fer­ences in weight gain in rats three gen­era­t­ions after ex­posure to a spe­cific chem­i­cal. (May 23, 2012)

Stem cells found to relieve tough chronic pain in mouse study
Stem-cell trans­plants might quell the hardest-to-treat kinds of pain, sci­en­tists re­port, though such an ad­vance could al­so raise eth­i­cal dilem­mas. (May 25, 2012)

Study: soldiers who desecrate dead bodies see themselves as hunters
Battle stress is not the main rea­son some sol­diers end up hack­ing off ene­my body parts, a re­search­er claims. (May 21, 2012)

Life might have formed as early as 10-12 billion years ago
“A long time ago in a gal­axy far, far away” may be more than just a line from sci­ence fiction, if new re­search is cor­rect. (May 21, 2012)

Planet may be turning to dust
As­tro­no­mers have de­tected what they say could be a plan­et that’s evap­o­rat­ing un­der the sear­ing heat of its par­ent star. (May 19, 2012)

Robotic arm for the paralyzed reported to reach new level of sophistication
A study re­ports that two par­a­lyzed peo­ple con­trolled a robotic arm through brain sig­nals pick­ed up by a com­put­er sys­tem. (May 17, 2012)

“Smart swimming,” magnetism said to help baby turtles through epic journey
Young sea tur­tles barely long­er than a thumb un­der­take one of the most spec­tac­u­lar migra­t­ions in the an­i­mal king­dom—alone. (May 16, 2012)

Instead of “dark matter,” rogue planets?
Weeks af­ter stud­ies ques­tioned the lead­ing the­o­ry to ex­plain vast amounts of miss­ing cos­mic ma­te­ri­al, other re­search pro­poses a rad­i­cal new so­lu­tion. (May 13, 2012)

Ape at war with gawkers found even shrewder than thought
Watch out, vis­it­ors. San­ti­no the rock-throw­ing zoo chimp is adapt­ing his tac­tics, ac­cord­ing to some very in­trigued sci­ent­ists. (May 11, 2012)

When humans were smaller, and crocs much bigger
Al­though di­no­saurs nev­er co­existed with hu­ma­ns, may­be they did­n’t need to. (May 9, 2012)

When humans were smaller, and crocs much bigger
Al­though di­no­saurs nev­er co­existed with hu­ma­ns, may­be they did­n’t need to. (May 9, 2012)

Holy cow! Dino flatulence may have changed ancient climate
Cat­tle are no match for dino­saurs when it comes to re­leas­ing green­house gases, re­search­ers report. (May 7, 2012)

Light from “Super-Earth” reported seen
Though the world is in­hab­it­able, sci­ent­ists call de­tect­ion of its in­fra­red light a big step to­ward the search for signs of life on oth­er plan­ets. (May 9, 2012)

Pet scan indeed: Scientists map brain activity in dogs
When your pet gazes up at you, what does it see? A best friend? A can open­er? Sci­ent­ists hope brain imag­ing could an­swer that and more. (May 7, 2012)


Unexpected allies aid ants at war with “zombifying” parasite
A group of par­a­sites known as Ophio­cordy­ceps hi­jack ants' brains and di­rect them to their deaths. (May 4, 2012)

Black hole caught red-handed in stellar homicide?
As­tro­no­mers say they have gath­ered the most di­rect ev­i­dence yet of a gi­ant black hole shred­ding a star that got too close. (May 2, 2012)


Rare Venus event could aid planet-hunters, delight sky-watchers
Ve­nus will pass across the face of the Sun next month, in an event not to re­cur un­til 2117. (May 1, 2012)

Art appreciation, self-reflection may go together in the brain
In­tense aes­thet­ic ex­pe­ri­ences act­i­vate a brain re­gion ass­o­ciated with in­ward con­tem­pla­tion, sci­ent­ists say. (April 26, 2012)


Violence may mar kids’ DNA with signs of aging
Chil­dren who have suf­fered vi­o­lence might truly be old­er than their years, if new re­search is cor­rect. (April 24, 2012)

Wall of stars found to extend through our galaxy
A newly detected struc­ture poses a fresh prob­lem for the the­ory of dark mat­ter, astron­om­ers claim. (April 26, 2012)

Mystery of cosmic rays deepens
Subatomic projectiles from space don’t seem to come from great cos­mic ex­plo­sions after all, phys­i­cists have an­nounced. (April 23, 2012)


Where’s the dark matter? Not here, befuddled astronomers admit
In­dis­pen­sable to mod­ern phys­ical the­ories, “dark mat­ter” has turned up miss­ing in our own cosmic back yard. (April 18, 2012)

Your left side is your best side, researchers find
In a study, im­ages of the left side of the face were per­ceived and rat­ed as more pleas­ant than those of the right side. (April 22, 2012)

No single “God spot” in brain, scientists find
Mul­ti­ple parts of the hu­man brain con­trib­ute to spir­it­u­al­ity, a study in­di­cates. (April 20, 2012)


Penguin census, taken from space, yields surprise
A new study us­ing sat­el­lite map­ping re­veals there are twice as many em­per­or pen­guins in Ant­arc­ti­ca as pre­vi­ously thought, sci­en­tists say. (April 16, 2012)

Homeless planets may get adopted
There may be hope yet for those worlds that are wander­ing in the cold with­out a home star, a study sug­gests. (April 17, 2012)

In bird “divorce,” females seen having the advantage
Di­vorce might not be healthy—but at least it may be nat­u­ral, if find­ings from a new study are to be be­lieved. (April 14, 2012)


“Robotic cat” illness mystifies vets
Sci­en­tists are on the hunt for a path­o­gen they say may be caus­ing a mys­tery ill­ness: cats are start­ing to walk like robots. (April 12, 2012)

Tumor risk from dental X-rays not eliminated, study finds
Research has linked dent­al X-rays to an in­creased risk of a rare, usu­ally ben­ign brain tu­mor. (April 11, 2012)


2nd study links pesticide to bee epidemic
Mys­ter­ious col­lapses of honey­bee pop­u­la­tions may be ex­plained, scient­ists say. (April 5, 2012)

Scientist hopes to help you create “perfect dream”
A new stu­dy is de­signed to use iPhones to im­prove peo­ple’s dreams. (April 10, 2012)

After anesthesia, “primitive” consciousness awakens first
Brain struct­ures that we share with many ani­mals go into action first as aware­ness emerges, re­search finds. (April 4, 2012)


Link between fast food, depression “confirmed”
A new study sup­ports past re­search ty­ing fast food con­sump­tion to a great­er risk of de­pres­sion. (April 2, 2012)

Coupled stars seen as chief diet for hungry black holes
Black holes at the hearts of ga­lax­ies may grow by swal­low­ing sin­gle stars from pairs of stars, a new study pro­poses. (April 4, 2012)

Dinosaurs may have roamed a fiery landscape
In the lat­er part of their reign, di­no­saurs may have faced an un­ex­pected haz­ard: fire, re­search­ers are re­port­ing. (March 30, 2012)


Earth-like planets could number “billions” in our galaxy
Red dwarf stars host an abun­dance of worlds that could hold li­quid water, astron­omers re­port. (March 29, 2012)

Planets from long ago puzzle astronomers
Scientists have iden­ti­fied a plan­e­tary sys­tem that they de­scribe as a likely sur­vi­vor from one of the ear­li­est cos­mic times. (March 28, 2012)


All cattle descend from one small herd, study finds
Liv­ing cat­tle de­scend from as few as 80 an­i­mals do­mes­ti­cat­ed from wild ox­en in the Near East some 10,500 years ago, a DNA ana­lysis sug­gests. (March 27, 2012)

Dolphins may be dying due to U.S. oil spill, study finds
Dol­phins in the Gulf of Mex­ico are show­ing signs of se­vere ill health, according to pre­lim­inary find­ings from a U.S. agen­cy. (March 26, 2012)


New wide image of universe called unprecedented
A panoramic image is the most de­tailed pic­ture tak­en of a re­gion large enough to be rep­re­sent­a­tive of the dis­tant uni­verse, astro­n­om­ers say. (March 22, 2012)

Feeding babies on demand may improve IQ
Infants fed when­ev­er they want may lat­er per­form bet­ter in school than those who were fed on a sched­ule, new re­search sug­gests. (March 21, 2012)


Two words may help people brush off temptation
Peo­ple who re­sist tempta­t­ion by tell­ing them­selves “I don’t” rath­er than “I can’t” are more suc­cess­ful in their quest, new re­search sug­gests. (March 17, 2012)

Spotting ancient sites from space
An ar­chae­o­lo­gist and a com­put­er sci­ent­ist say they have greatly sim­pli­fied the pro­cess of find­ing early hu­man set­tle­ments. (March 19, 2012)

Newer generations increasingly selfish, study finds
Mon­ey, appear­ances and fame are in­deed the idols of our time, new re­search sug­gests. (March 16, 2012)


Device makes 3-D objects with “nano-precision”
A tech­nol­o­gy for print­ing three-di­men­sion­al ob­jects with in­credibly fi­ne de­tail now works faster than ev­er, re­search­ers say. (March 12, 2012)

Pesticide linked to bee die-offs
New re­search has linked part of a mys­te­ri­ous bee mal­a­dy called col­o­ny col­lapse dis­or­der to a tech­nol­o­gy for plant­ing corn. (March 15, 2012)

Old-fashioned ripoffs common in organ trade: study
A study in Bang­la­desh found that black-mar­ket or­gan traf­fick­ing is more sin­is­ter than com­monly as­sumed. (March 13, 2012)


Bird-like dino had glossy plumage for the ladies, research suggests
The disc­overy of a four-winged di­no­saur in 2003 has fu­eled a stream of ques­tions about the ev­o­lu­tion of feath­ers and flight. (March 8, 2012)

Additional evidence of elusive “God particle”
The find­ings on the long-sought Higgs bo­son are still not de­fin­i­tive, phys­i­cists cau­tion. (March 7, 2012)

Did the Moon help doom the Titanic?
An ex­ceed­ingly rare astron­om­ical event stacked the deck against the ill-fated ship, astron­omers pro­pose. (March 7, 2012)

Personality found surprisingly changeable
Personality changes are more com­mon than pre­vious­ly known, and can lead to big boosts in happi­ness, scient­ists say. (March 5, 2012)

“Oldest” fossilized forest revealed
A fos­sil for­est in up­state New York is not only the old­est known—it’s also much more com­plex than once thought, re­search­ers are re­port­ing. (March 3, 2012)

In dinosaur age, fleas were giant too
A new re­port de­tails the dis­cov­ery of what sci­en­tists call the most an­cient known fleas. (March 1, 2012)

Wealthy people found more prone to un­scrupulous behavior
Up­per-class folk lie and cheat more, large­ly be­cause they think greed is fine; but the poor can be eas­ily led into the same mind­set, re­search sug­gests. (Feb. 28, 2012)

Trophy for toughest bite may go to T. rex
The ter­ri­fy­ing di­no­saur Ty­ran­no­saur­us rex may have had an even stronger bite than pre­vi­ously rea­lized, sci­en­tists say. (Feb. 28, 2012)

Galaxy may swarm with “nomad planets”
Our gal­axy may be awash in home­less plan­ets, wan­der­ing through space in­stead of or­bit­ing a star, re­search­ers say. (Feb. 27, 2012)

Where the wild things aren’t? Nature seen vanishing from kids’ books
A disturbing trend in child­ren’s lit­er­ature paral­lels de­vel­op­ments in the wider world, sci­ent­ists say. (Feb. 23, 2012)

Madness may now be easier to break free of
A computerized train­ing course can mark­ed­ly help people suf­fering from schiz­o­phren­ia, re­search re­ports.  (Feb. 22, 2012)

Rightie? You might prefer people that are at your right
A string of re­cent re­search find­ings point to seem­ingly ir­rel­e­vant con­sid­era­t­ions that sway our think­ing. (Feb. 21, 2012)

Single-atom transistor could revolutionize electronics
Phys­i­cists say they’ve paved the way for fu­ture leaps in com­put­ing pow­er.  (Feb. 19, 2012)

Implantable microchip can deliver meds, study finds
A clin­i­cal trial tested the first de­vice of its kind with suc­cess, re­search­ers say. (Feb. 15, 2012)

In night sky, a delayed replay of cataclysm seen in 1830s
When if first hap­pened, cam­eras were barely in­vented. Astro­no­mers are now better pre­pared.  (Feb. 18, 2012)

Tiny chameleons turn up in Madagascar
Scientists docu­mented one spe­cies that grows to less than an inch long and can fit on a match head when young.  (Feb. 15, 2012)

The fish that piranhas leave alone
Engi­neers are studying what makes Ar­a­pai­ma’s scales so bite-re­sis­tant in hopes of de­vel­op­ing bet­ter bat­tle ar­mor. (Feb. 9, 2012)

Liars may be identifiable through their writing, too
Online dat­ing might just get a bit easier if part­ic­i­pants learn a few sleuth­ing tricks, new re­search sug­gests.  (Feb. 13, 2012)

A simpler name may help you get ahead
Hav­ing a sim­ple, eas­y-to-pronounce name may help you win you friends and fa­vor in the work­place, new re­search sug­gests. (Feb. 11, 2012)

New, “strong” evidence for ancient ocean on Mars
Radar imag­ing re­veals ap­pa­rent ocean water de­posits with­in the bounds of pre­vi­ously noted, an­cient shore­lines, re­search­ers say. (Feb. 7, 2012)

Fasting found to help beat cancer in mice
Nu­trient de­pri­va­tion may turn can­cer cells’ re­lent­less drive to re­pro­duce in­to their own Achil­les heel, sci­ent­ists sug­gest. (Feb. 8, 2012)

Scientists reconstruct sound from dinosaur age
A clean, high-pitched “ping” or chirp seems to pierce the air when you re­play a re­con­struc­tion by sci­en­tists of an ex­tinct crick­et’s song. (Feb. 5, 2012)

Earlier treatment might be key in Alzheimer’s: researchers
The de­vast­ating mem­ory ill­ness spreads through links be­tween brain re­gions, a bit like can­cer, re­search sug­gests. (Feb. 3, 2012)

From tiny to titanic in 24 million generations
It takes eons for a mouse-sized an­i­mal to evolve to an ele­phant’s size, but re­duc­tions in size go much faster, sci­ent­ists say. (Jan. 31, 2012)

Mice sing too, scientists find
Male house mice pro­duce me­lo­di­ous songs to at­tract mates, not un­like many birds, ac­cord­ing to new re­search. (Jan. 27, 2012)

Arabia identified as key stop in early human migrations
A­ra­bia was the first stag­ing post for hu­mans when they first mi­grat­ed out of their an­ces­tral home of Af­ri­ca, scient­ists say. (Jan. 28, 2012)

Leftists and rightists found to look at things differently—literally
It’s in­creas­ingly ap­parent that po­liti­cal dif­feren­ces stem partly from bio­logi­cal ones, re­search­ers claim. (Jan. 25, 2012)

Study: Lifelong criminality may stem from genes
The link be­tween genes and crime is a di­vi­sive is­sue in the crim­i­nol­o­gy field. (Jan. 26, 2012)

“Oldest known” dino nesting site found
A prac­tice of using the same nest­ing sites re­peat­edly and in groups may have ori­gin­ated earlier than pre­vious­ly known, sci­ent­ists say. (Jan. 24, 2012)

Comet dies on film, leaving trail of mystery
A com­et has been caught do­ing some­thing nev­er seen be­fore: die a scorch­ing death in the heat of the sun. (Jan. 22, 2012)

Empathy? It seems we can’t even spare it for ourselves
An “empathy gap” between us and our future selves leads us to over­est­i­mate how much cour­age we’ll mus­ter, scient­ists propose. (Jan. 20, 2012)

Scientists plan to take picture of black hole
A en­dea­vor that a few years ago would have been re­garded as out­ra­geous is now very real­istic, astro­no­mers claim.  (Jan. 18, 2012)

Ancient South Americans ate popcorn, study finds
Peo­ple along the coast of modern-day Pe­ru may have been crunch­ing on pop­corn more than 3,000 years ago. (Jan. 19, 2012)

European birds seen falling behind in race to adapt to warmer world
Birds seem to be shift­ing their home ranges much less than some of the in­sects they feed on, sci­entists re­port. (Jan. 17, 2012)

Newfound frog dubbed tiniest known backboned animal
A newly dis­cov­ered frog grows to no more than 9 mm, or about 1/3 of an inch, long, bio­log­ists say. (Jan. 11, 2012)

Ill-designed economic bailouts threaten nature, advocates warn
Hard put to re-ignite busi­ness ac­ti­vity, be­lea­guered politi­cians are re­ported to be toss­ing aside en­vi­ron­men­tal safe­guards. (Jan. 13, 2012)

New materials may vacuum up CO2, culprit in global warming
Climate scientists say scrub­bing dan­ger­ous ex­cess carb­on di­oxide from the air is a funda­mental chal­lenge of our cen­tury. (Jan. 13, 2012)

Violin shocker? Blind test said to show “old master” fiddles not so special
Genera­t­ions of mu­si­cians have re­vered vi­o­lins made by a hand­ful of 18th-century crafts­men, most fa­mously An­to­nio Stra­di­va­ri. (Jan. 5, 2012)

Bad-boy looks are measurable and may really predict bad deeds, study concludes
New research may up­set dec­ades of set­tled sci­en­tif­ic think­ing. (Jan. 7, 2011)

Antarctic seafloor geyser found hosting strange community
A new re­port high­lights how little is still known about the odd eco­logy of deep-sea vents. (Jan. 4, 2012)





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  • Old­est near­ly com­plete pri­mate fos­sil re­ported

  • Sun­screen slows skin ag­ing, study finds


  • Was black­mail essen­tial for marr­iage to evolve?

  • Plu­to has even cold­er “twin” of sim­ilar size, studies find

  • Could simple an­ger have taught people to coop­erate?

  • Diff­erent cul­tures’ mu­sic matches their spe­ech styles, study finds


  • F­rog said to de­scribe its home through song

  • Even r­ats will lend a help­ing paw: study

  • D­rug may undo aging-assoc­iated brain changes in ani­mals